International Canyoning Training Course: Canyoneer Initiation Ice Canyon – ICTC/CAIIC

Are you interested in practising winter canyoning? Do you want to feel new sensations? Don’t hesitate any longer, take now the « Canyoneer Initiation Ice Canyon » course.

The initiation will take place during the fun tour. You will be autonomous enough to descend an Ice canyon accompanied by a professional.

You will be supervised by an ICOpro instructor certified Ice Canyon and by an ICOpro Assistant. At the end of the tour/course, you will be certified with the Canyoneer card.


30 minutes during the Canyoneer day.


You will be introduced to the basics of the Ice Canyon specialization. You will learn the significant difference between Ice canyoning and common canyoning practise.


Be certified Canyoneer Initiation: CAI


Your ICOpro center will provide the full technical equipment (wetsuit, underwear, gloves…).

Skills you will learn

  • Ice canyoning basic skills and all the techniques required for a descent accompanied by a professional.
  • You will easily progress into an Ice canyon, using equipment adapted to the winter practise. You will take an active part in the instructor’s and assistant’s work.

Advantages of being a certified Canyoneer Initiation Ice Canyon

  • You join the large international ICOpro community
  • Free download of the Canyoneer Initiation Ice Canyon book.
  • You receive the international canyoning news
  • You increase your level of practice
  • You can take the Canyoneer 123 training course in order to be autonomous

Once you are a certified Canyoneer level 3, you can take the Canyoneer Ice Canyon course.

Get ICOpro certified