Advantages To Explore New Canyons With ICOpro

Are you an entrepreneur or investor? Have you noticed the keen interest for canyoning activities all over the world? You want to invest in canyoning, but none canyon has already been discovered in the country you exercise. You are an advanced Canyoneer but you do not have yet your staff to open and bolt canyons?

You are doubtful about the quality of the equipment inside the canyons that you practise?

You are part of Sports Ministry, Office of Tourism, Sport Education or any other governmental body in charge of outdoor activities, canyoning included?

Whatever your motivation, ICOpro will meet your expectations.

This unique service gives the countries, where canyoning does not exist yet or where the practise is risky, the advantage of an increased safety, in respect for environment, local custom, regulations and canyoneers.

If you are investors, you have now the possibility to invest in canyoning activities, via our PRODEV service, thus, releasing you from technical constraints. Indeed, our Instructors Explorer Developer will be in charge of canyons’ development and bolting, and ICOpro professionals working for your center will carry through all the necessary actions.

If you depend on a Federation, Association or any other structure in charge of outdoor activities, if canyoning is a new practise in your country, our PRODEV service will ensure the compliance check with regulations for canyons’ bolting.

ICOpro bolting standard refers to the European standard NF EN 959 and NF EN 12275: « Mountaineering and climbing equipment device, anchors for rocks, security and tests requirements ». 

Due to sudden terrain changes (flash floods, scree, rocks’ falling…), it should be noted that equipment in compliance with standards can suddenly be damaged. Canyoning practise remains inconstant, it does not only require alertness but also responsible behaviour, based on anticipation. ICOpro training courses will provide you these basics so that they could be applied when guiding.

For a canyon opening project, bolting or follow-up request, for complementary information about ICOpro equipment standard, do not hesitate to contact us